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Mission & Purpose:  Preserve and promote the military history of the organization; Foster camaraderie among present and former members of the Communications Support Element (CSE), the Joint Communications Support Element (JCSE), the 224th Joint Communications Support Squadron (JCSS)(GA Air National Guard), the 290th Joint Communications Squadron (JCSS)(FL Air National Guard), the 4th Joint Communications Squadron (JCS) Army Reserve Element (ARE), and other selected individuals who have contributed to the accomplishment of the military mission; Develop a scholarship program to promote support for educational needs or continuing education goals for JCSE-VA members or their immediate Family members; to Recognize accomplishments and contribute to various charitable, educational, and military professional development programs and activities.

The button below will take you to our current JCSE Veterans Association By Laws Adopted on January 11, 2001 and most recently Revised on May 18, 2024.

*****Make a Tax Deductible Donation Today*****

The JCSE Veterans Association is a 501(c)(19) non-profit Veterans Organization. All donations are Federal Tax Deductible.

The JCSE Veterans Association annually supports efforts that fall directly in line with our association's mission statement to foster the camaraderie among all members, promote the military historical purposes, develop a scholarship program, and recognize the accomplishments and contribute to various charitable, educational, and military professional development programs and activities.

JCSE Veterans Association does NOT have paid employees. It is operated by a group of dedicated volunteers who make up the association board of directors and advisors.

************Become a Member************

You are eligible for Full Membership if  you are a current or former member (military, civilian, and contractor) assigned to the Communications Support Element (CSE), the Joint Communications Support Element (JCSE) including the 4th JCS, 5th JCS, 224th JCSS or 290th JCSS squadrons.

********Association Announcements********

2025 Dollars for Scholars & Memorial Golf Tournament 

The JCSE Veterans Association is hosting this year's combined VA Dollars for Scholars and the JCSE Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, May 2nd at the Bay Palms Golf Course on MacDill AFB.  The tournament will consist of a 4-person best ball scramble.  Prizes will be given to the top three teams, closest to the pin, longest drive, and putting contest.  Registration sign up for the event is open now at the link below.

Every year we come together to honor and remember our JCSE members who are no longer with us.  This year’s combined event will be honoring our fallen and the JCSE-VA will be making a special announcement regarding our VA Scholarship Program.  The JCSE-VA Dollars for Scholars golf tournament serves as our primary fundraising event for our annual scholarship program.  We have proudly provided over $75,000 in scholarships to our members and their immediate family members.

Please consider sponsoring one of the specific events, by making a donation or joining us for a round of golf.  Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or not, please consider joining us for the event.

**The specific Event times will be posted in the coming days**

Association Contact Information

Mailing Address: 

JCSE Veterans Association

P.O. Box 6032

MacDill AFB, Florida  33608

Email Address: